Brains Nursery Schools: Measures against Covid-19


BRAINS NURSERY SCHOOLS has created an action protocol dedicated to teachers, administration and services personnel, students and families that make up the educational community of our schools.

The approach to preventive measures against the transmission of infectious-contagious diseases such as COVID-19 will have three areas of work:

  • School population: ranges from 4 months to 6 years.
  • Itinerant adult population: it is the one that surrounds daily school life, that is; parents and guardians, grandparents, caregivers, after-school workers, providers, etc.
  • Stable adult population: made up of teachers and administration and service personnel, kitchen, cleaning etc …



Before going to school, the temperature should be taken. If there is fever or low-grade fever, you will not be able to attend the educational center, as well as if there are other suspicious symptoms.

Exclusion from school attendance may be made according to the following criteria:

  • If you have any symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.) that could be associated with COVID-19 or other respiratory diseases (except mild or moderate asthma and diagnosed pollinosis).
  • If you have been in close contact or shared space without keeping interpersonal distance with a person affected by COVID-19, even in the absence of symptoms. Isolation and monitoring will last for 14 days in case signs of the disease appear.
  • If you are vulnerable due to a high-risk chronic disease, your incorporation to the educational center should be evaluated by the pediatrician or family doctor.


Arrive to school

  • Disinfection of shoes before entering school.
  • Temperature taken at the entrance to the school and if it is higher than 37.5, you will not be able to join the school.
  • Cleaning hands with gel at the entrance to the school.
  • Cleaning hands at the beginning of the classroom with soap and water at the beginning of classes.
  • Do not bring any object, bag, backpack or toy from home.



In the classroom

  • Explain and mark the child’s route to the classroom to avoid crowds.
  • Specific programs to promote the prevention of infections by COVID 19 in the second cycle population through explanations, pictograms, reinforcement programs, etc.
  • Use of fixed tables and chairs, signaling and ensuring interpersonal distance.
  • Mark with little steps on the ground the interpersonal distance in certain areas of common passage.
  • Gel dispensers for supervised use and disposable tissues, for the second cycle.

In the first cycle, hygiene is only guided and carried out by the adult, as we have usually done as a particularly sensitive population.

Ventilation of spaces and classrooms that are all exterior:

Adequate ventilation of spaces will reduce the amount of potentially infectious particles in the air.

It is recommended:

  • Periodic ventilation in the facilities: 5 or 10 min / 24 h, at least, if they are empty.
  • Doors and windows should be kept open as much as possible. During classes and to avoid outside noise, a routine can be established: 5 min at least.
  • Encourage the use of large outdoor areas for games and activities.


In the children’s toilet

The number of students who can access it simultaneously will be limited and their separation will be controlled.

In the first cycle there will be one adult per child and toilet.

Also avoid using the bathroom to drink water directly from the tap. To avoid this, each child will be asked to have their own bottle of water each day marked with their name (in the case of 3, 4 and 5).

  • The children of the first cycle will bring home their glass or bottle for washing and / or disinfection every day.
  • They will dry their hands with disposable paper towels, as usual in school, easily accessible.
  • Good ventilation will be maintained and the tutor will ensure an adequate supply of hygiene material in the bathrooms, giving immediate notice if it runs out, as usual.
  • The bins in the bathrooms should also be with pedal and lid, teaching second cycle children its use, always supervised.

Signs will be placed recalling the technique of hand washing and the correct use of the toilets, adapted to different ages and with a pictogram.




  • It will be calculated according to square meters how many students can go out and we will limit the space by classes.
  • The use of slides etc. will be avoided.
  • Alternatives of free play and games directed by the tutor will be promoted that allow distance measures and that require the minimum shared elements.
  • Before going out to the patio and on the way back, we will proceed to wash hands.



Whether a student or worker begins to have signs or symptoms of: decay, irritability, sweating, or manifests feeling unwell, which may be indicative of fever, such as a cough, sore throat or nasal congestion, respiratory difficulty, moderate headache , moderate abdominal pain, or any other symptom that the teacher considers does not give way with physical measures or in a short time, a protocol expressly marked for these situations will be followed and all workers have been informed for its mandatory compliance.


Entrances and Exits of the Center

  • Only students and staff will have access to the school.
  • The management will mark a map of internal displacement and entry and exit.
  • The exit of the school should be done as the entrance, staggered and maintaining the safety distance.
  • Access doors and all interior doors, including those to the classrooms, which make movement difficult and increase the risk of contagion by contact, must remain open.
  • The teacher will deliver the student to his family maintaining the distance measure.
  • Communication with families will be done virtually by videoconference, or it may be done through other non-face-to-face channels: email, telephone, etc.
  • Visits by families of newly incorporated students will take place during non-teaching hours or by videoconference.
  • Those families who for any reason must access the school for administrative procedures must request an appointment through the secretariat and comply with hygiene protocols, of which they will be previously informed.


Cleaning, hygiene and disinfection measures in schools

Our schools have been disinfected by specialized personnel with disinfectant products recommended by the Ministry of Health.

In the educational community:



  • Mask as established by the government at present and / or face shields according to the activity that the teachers carry out and when the recommended interpersonal distance cannot be maintained.
  • Hydroalcoholic gel in each classroom / space.
  • Gloves when the activity requires it and that we already used regularly.
  • Disposable gowns for certain activities.
  • Exclusive use work clothes for schools.
  • Change of footwear to work and disinfection.
  • Daily temperature measurement of workers.

Surfaces, spaces and objects

Our cleaning team will strictly comply with the Cleaning and Disinfection Plan designed for these moments. Among other measures, periodic cleaning, disinfection and ventilation will be carried out throughout the school day of all educational spaces in the center, with emphasis on contact surfaces such as doors, knobs, chairs, tables, and certain teaching materials. etc.



To achieve this it is essential:

  • Reinforce cleaning tasks in all rooms and surfaces, especially those with frequent contact (windows, railings, doorknobs, treatment tables, work tables, computers, blackboards, elevators, etc.)
  • Clean the work area used by an employee.
  • Ensure that the cleaning and hygiene standards for toys, books and other materials and utensils used in classrooms are met.


After this, all those parents who are interested in a nursery school for the future, where values ​​prevail, developing the best skills for the future of the little ones in addition to the human quality that we represent, you can contact us at by phone (916503030: La Moraleja center; 917266400: Salamanca district center) or the form you have on the web. From our schools, we will arrange a meeting in which we will provide you with all the information you need, in addition to presenting first-hand the methodology used with the little ones