Multilingual project

Learn a SECOND LANGUAGE, English, naturally, efficiently and having fun

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Bilingualism has always been a clear goal of our educational project at BRAINS NURSERY SCHOOL. The QUALITY OF THE FIRST CONTACT WITH ENGLISH will be positive for their future learning.

We are aware of the importance of learning languages at an early age, and we have years of experience with our BNS method with an educational team expert in this type of learning.

BRAINS NURSERY SCHOOL is committed to ensuring that young students HAVE FUN LEARNING OTHER LANGUAGES in a stimulating environment.


0-1 year old

Stimulation and care in Spanish/multilingual stimulation

2-5 years old

Teaching 100% in English

5-6 years old

Bilingual teaching (Spanish-English)

Knowing the future demands from our students in terms of language learning, we prioritise multilingual stimulation from 0 to 1 year old, English immersion and good command of Spanish and English from 2 years old, and reaching reading and writing in both languages by the age of 5. In addition, from the age of 3, they are offered to learn a third language during school hours.